Monday, November 16, 2009


Fear not, beloved readers. Kurger Bing is still alive.

However, since the Rest of my Life has just kicked in two weeks ago, and I was more busy with starting up at my new job, food-blogging got a little subdued.

No matter, today I've returned with an appropiate post:


I chose to create them McDonald's' style: A very thinly patted patty (hm, would that be why it's called 'patty'?), some mustard and ketchup, a few slices of pickles and some raw onion.

However, since I saw the Keuringsdienst van Waarde TV-show episode on hamburgers, I had always wanted to make them once the way they were made in the show:

Putting sliced onions on top while frying the patty, so the onions get partly steamed by the juices released from the patty - and when flipped over, they get an additional frying.

On the plus side, when the onions create a little space between the patty and the pan, they prevent the patty from being cooked too much, so it's easier to get a rare patty.

The buns were roasted.

Well, it was nice. And easy to make.

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