Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Year

As a first blog post in 2010, there's nothing that special on the menu: a plate of "Mixed fish" at storehouse V&D today. It consisted of a piece of salmon, a piece of tuna, a shrimp, some "sauce of the day" (herbs? garlic?), some large-leaf spinach or chard and a nice piece of well-flavoured potato-gratin, which seemed to be made of grated potato. The fish was a little too dry, but all in all the meal was doable for the ten bucks it cost.

Since my Blackberry takes meager pictures not worthy of publishing, I tried taking a picture with N's iPhone; alas, lighting conditions were that low, that it didn't turn out too well either. Anyhow, nothing that a little Photoshopping can't fix.